Very helpful in terms of strategies for focusing and setting goals. I really appreciate this post!!

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So glad you found it helpful, Lolly! Thanks for letting me know!

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May 10Liked by Jenn McClearen

I do NOT connect to wifi in the cafe I write in, so...nothing for me but the keys and screen, possibly a book or document that's actively connected to the writing I want to do. For fiction (not published, but what fun), I just do the X minutes of writing approach and try to have time to just keep going on whatever is happening. I'm retired and, to my surprise, I've found that A) I still procrastinate my non-fiction writing; B) need to have an acceptance of a conference paper in order to get the article/proto-book chapter out; and C) still have the attention span of the proverbial gnat (probably not actually even that long, given comparative lifespans). Fortunately, I like the cafe's chocolate chip cookies and I like a break from being with husband all day, every day.

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Not connecting to wi-fi is such a good tip!

And isn't it fascinating that you're still facing familiar writing challenges even though you've got more time on your hands. I think you commented elsewhere that having lots of time on your hands is also challenging! I agree and have found that to be true when I have a lot of downtime.

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Yeah. It still puzzles me. Do I really need some dragon breathing on me to write? Is "retired" the ultimate, unanswerable form of procrastination? Dunno. Well, there IS something on the other side of retirement...but, um, apparently fear of death does not send me sprinting to my writing. Hey! Maybe I'll miss a few of the deadlines for that last act.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Jenn McClearen

Thanks for the shoutout and link!

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Thanks for writing great content!

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