I'd like to participate in this writing sprint. I am working on a review and resubmit and a new manuscript, so it would be great to have a community of support as I work on these projects.

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Great! Welcome. Also, if you haven't read this post yet, it might be helpful: https://www.publishnotperish.net/p/how-to-tackle-a-major-revise-and

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I’m eager to try this writing sprint — I’m struggling with the opening chapter of my book (its a monster) and would like to have a basic draft in place before the winter break.

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Wonderful! Also, selfishly, it's nice to hear when prolific writers like yourself also struggle with some of your writing. I hope the sprint helps you break through!

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You’re so right in saying that people write differently, and like you I tend to binge (in a healthy way, I like to imagine) in periods of 2-3 weeks at a time. But this one chapter is RESISTANT (or maybe I’m resistant and the chapter is just over there happily doing its own thing). Thanks so much for organizing the sprint! What fun.

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omg hi!!!! And I'd love to read that draft!!!!

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And I’d love to write it!!! (Currently 90 pages of rambling thinking without coherent structure—but I sense that the kernel of something really interesting lurks. When I find that I’ll definitely share! Would love your feedback!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I'd love to join. My goal is to prepare a coauthored paper for submission. My reach goal is to do this while also making small inroads on the next chapter draft for my book. I'm still figuring out whether/how to attempt to make progress on multiple projects at once (projects that require first-cup-of-coffee-quality thinking, at least).

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welcome, Liz! I know people who successfully juggle multiple projects at once and those who swear that they work more efficiently on one at a time. I think the key is to test out one or the other and reflect on your progress and brain space while you do so to figure out what works best for you!

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I'd like to participate in this writing sprint! I have a few small to medium sized projects that I am juggling.

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Yay! Welcome, Sophia!

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I want to participate for at least Monday-Wednesday; I need to make progress on my current chapter of the monograph.

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Wonderful! Participate as much or as little as works for you!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I would love to use this sprint to recommit to my AcWriMo goal of finishing a polished draft of our urban agriculture paper to send to my co-authors by Dec 5.

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perfect time to do so! Welcome and good luck finishing up!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

So eager to participate. This is my first time. I am working on different pieces of texts, clarifying ideas that will hopefully at some point come together as a book proposal.

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Excellent! Welcome, Silke!

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I want to join in.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I want to join! even though my schedules for that few days currently look quite impossible for "writing". Maybe I will make *that* my goal -- how to "write" something when it seems impossible to do so.

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Welcome, Xin! I love that you're taking the approach of what you "can" do without a lot of time instead of saying you can't do anything! In case you haven't seen it, here are a few tips for this approach: https://www.publishnotperish.net/p/the-15-minute-hack

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Ah I need this refresher... I read it the first time with so much resistance because life has been so overwhelming that I can’t believe someone is telling me to use those 15min breaks for writing!!! But now I am at a point when I found writing or simply working on my *own* research is nourishing and necessary for my soul, because other part of my work asks me to constantly serve other people’s intellectual needs... Would love to experiment with this during the writing sprint!!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I'm in! Trying to get back on track with my chapter revisions, so that winter break can be primarily for drafting introduction and coda.

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Welcome back, Erin! And it sounds like you're really close to finishing up--yay!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

I would like to participate again!

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Hurray! Welcome back!

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

Can I participate to the writing sprint? my goal will be to finish the second chapter of my thesis

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Of course! You are welcome.

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I tried to join the sprint last time but ended up being too busy with other things... I'm committed to make it work this time though. I am working on a book proposal which I aim to submit by Christmas break, so I am definitely in need for some structured writing and accountability!

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Great! We'll be glad to have you join!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

Nice to be in! I will work on an article that still needs data analysis and some readings, its on my desk since 2022 and I hope to have it almost done by the end of this year

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Excellent! Welcome, Mylène!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

Perfect timing! Last time around really helped me get my book proposal finished and submitted. I can't wait to join the next one.

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That's wonderful news on the proposal! Welcome back!

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Thank you so much! This time I'll be kicking an R&R out the door.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenn McClearen

Excited to participate! My goals are to complete the introduction, revise the literature review, and revise the methods/background section to my article manuscript.

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Welcome, Karolina!

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